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BC Print Media

BC Print Media: Oregon State Parks Screen Print

BC Print Media: Oregon State Parks Screen Print


  • 11x14 inch print
  • B.C. Print Media B.C. Print Media B.C. stands for before common era or before Christ print; their caveman method of hammering through what some might consider an outdated mode of art reproduction is how they cut their teeth in the print world. B.C. Print started with two guys out of Kansas City/Lawrence being enthralled with the gigposters sold at local shows. From their love of music and desire to join this Gigposter world they started a very bare-bones print setup. Now, after splitting between KC and NYC, and adding a third man, they are touring with art fairs, creating gigposters for bands they love, and printing other artist’s work. Starting in 2010 the caveman method of printing stands in tact while they continue smoothing over the wheel.
Regular price $38.00
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